Action plan: From the front to the back

By Ana Li Cortés.

Now that you know where you are, that you have made an inventory of your beliefs or mental maps, you can take action.

To begin with, take some paper and a pencil. Start by writing down what your goal is, now with the end in mind. Move from the front to the back, what actions do you have to take in order to get there where you want to be? Picture yourself at the highest step of a ladder; now start creating steps downward with the actions that you must take until you get to where you are at in this moment.

It is very important that that you set dates as deadlines. These deadlines must me realistic; in other words, you have to put some thought to how much time do you have to invest in order to get that activity completed. If you don’t give it enough time, you will be frustrated when you don’t achieve it; also, if you apply too much time to it, chances are that you lose momentum and fall back into your comfort zone.

Make a list of actions assigned to each day and step; in other words, start pulling apart each one of the steps of your ladder.

Life without an action plan is like getting on a boat and without knowing where are you headed. For many people, «life outlives them». Change that for «you live the life», that your life be a meaningful one in which each day has its own value. Remember: live your life one day at a time; it does not matter what happened yesterday, or what will happen tomorrow. Just get the best out of today, focus on finding what you are looking for and create what you want to find tomorrow. Plant the correct seeds, so that you eat from the fruit you have hoped for your future.

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