Title: Cruce el Puente de sus finanzas
Autor: Ana Li Cortés
Pages: 144
Price: $14.99
Kim Kiyosaki, author of Rich Woman, Investor, Philosopher and Speaker, says about Cruce el Puente de sus finanzas:
«I encourage you to take Ana Li’s message and information to heart. She is a courageous, gutsy and caring woman. She has seen the life-changing impact of becoming financially savvy and smart in her own life, and she would love to see more women enjoying the rewards of a financially secure and independent life.
Ana Li’s book Crossing the Bridge of Your Finances is an important resource for women today worldwide.
If you choose to be the director of your own financial destiny then I ask one thing of you: please encourage and teach the women and girls in your life to do the same. Today, more than ever, we need financially secure and independent women role models. I would love to see you be that role model.»
In Cruce el Puente de sus finanzas you will find a great challenge chapter by chapter which take you to a new level in your life. Here are for you 9 articles, one for each chapter:
1 Lear how to be transparent with yourself
2 Learn how to be a “one piece” woman
3 Say no to deceitful manipulation and yes to creative persuasion
4 Where am I standing?
5 Words are not gone with the wind
6 How do I get out of debt?
7 Action plan: From the front to the back
8 The place of agreement is the place of power
9 The gift of hope
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